About us

© Multikulturelles Forum e.V.

Organisation for migrants, training and education facility, counselling centre, specialised body, representation of interests...

...the „Multikulturelles Forum e.V.“ has many faces. According to the motto „powerful through diversity“ we advocate for participation and equal opportunities on different levels and rely on a variety of individuals and their proficiencies and skills.

When the association was founded in 1985 we were a discussion group and iniative of voluntary workers. Today we have changed into a professional multicultural oriented migrant organisation with more than 100 comitted people.

The main focus of our efforts is placed on employment and qualification, further education and couselling as well as society and prevention. Firmly established in NorthRhine Westfalia the „MKF“ does its practical work as an education facility and stakeholder in migration, integration and participation nationwide and socialises with different cooperation partners.

With a total of 8 locations in Lünen, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Hamm and Bergkamen we contribute essentially to social cohabitation on-site. Our training and education institution offers a comprehensive course portfolio to all citizens – from cultural education and language trainings to health courses and vocational qualification.

In association with our affiliate forum multi kulti gGmbH we promote understanding and cooperation of people of different origin, culture and nationality in the federal republic of Germany aiming at a better social togetherness.

Following our guiding principle we see cultural diversity as enrichment and practice it visibly and perceptibly in our own work.

We are organized in different faculties, command centres and service centres:

Organigramm des Multikulturellen Forums

We are a member of the „Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband“ one of six umbrella organisations of social welfare work in Germany. Furthermore we are signatory of the charta of diversity and partner of the state iniative „Erfolgsfaktor Interkulturelle Öffnung – NRW stärkt Vielfalt!“ (success factor intercultural opening - North Rhine Westfalia empowers diversity). As a specialist unit we are certified according to LQW and CERTQUA.